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Lawn and Garden Tools Sharpening in Lebanon Indiana

Mower Blades
All Lawn Mower Blades - Cleaned, Sharpened and Balanced
Push Mowers                     $5.00
Riding Mowers                   $6.50
Heavy Duty Blades            $8.50
Hedge Trimmers

Manual Hedge Trimmers - $5.00

Electric Hedge Trimmers - $15.00(Blades Removed)

Gas Hedge Trimers - $25.00(Blades Removed)

Grass Clippers

Manual Grass Clippers - $5.00

Electric Grass Clippers - $5.00(Blades Removed)

Pruners and Loppers

Pruners / Loppers - $4.00

Axes and Hatchets
Axe / Hatchets single bit - $5.00
Axe / Hatchet double bit - $8.50
Splitting Maul - $5.00
Machetes and Corn Knives

Lawn and Garden Tools Sharpening
Lawn and Garden Tools Sharpening

Wabash Valley Tool Sharpening

3297 E 350 N

Marshall Indiana 47859




Wabash Valley Tool Sharpening
3297 E 350 N
Marshall Indiana 47859

Customer Service:
Ph: 888-618-6776



©2025 Wabash Valley Tool Sharpening A Wabash Valley Enterprises Company

Why Buy New When You Can Get It Sharpened as Sharp As New For Less!
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